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Free Chat

„You can not not communicate“ Paul Watzlawik

discover all your abilities I expand your growth steadily I unfold your fully potential

How the 20-minute FreeChat works

I´m very grateful that life has given me the special chance to constantly develop, grow and unfold freely. Therefore, it is very important for me to share this gift with other people.

For this reason I have set up a FreeChat for all interested people, where you can discuss a question, a challenge you are currently facing or where you like to develop next.

Do you think your topic fits into a 20-minute frame? Then you are welcome to join our FreeChat! Here we´ll try to find a solution to your issue together with you – all in 20 minutes.


Please write a short mail with the subject FreeChat request, your first name, one to three sentences that briefly describe your request and when it suits you best during the day to have a FreeChat with me.

You´ll get an answer within 2 working days

Message Us

Get In touch below. Ask Any Question or Start a FreeChat

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4 + 3 =


Sheridan I Basel I Màlaga I Hamburg


Any time by Phone, Messenger, Mail





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