„You keep going. That is the Bodhisattva’s way. As long as it benefits even one being you have to, without any sense of discouragement go on.“
The 16th Gyalwa Karmapa
discover your complete capabilities
continuously expand your growth
unfold your fully potential
Counseling hours
Coaching hours
Training hours
Self-employed years
Intependend Freelancer since 2003 – today
My references as coach, trainer, consultant, moderator, mediator, potential and aptitude diagnostician
AMD Production; Andronaco; Aperto; Bayer; Becken Estates; Berenberg; Biomarkt Grünstreifen; BMW; BNP Paribas; Burda; CCS; Cushmann&Wakefield; Debitel; DE International; Demaplan; Edding; EnergiePartner; Energie Rottweil; Energieversorgung Filstal; Energiewerke Bruchsal; Eppendorf; eplus; Fiege Logistic; 54success; Fond Of; Frontline; Grasser Demeter Hof; Heinemann Shops; Ingenieurbüro Kreeb; KKH; Komm.Pakt.Net; Kühne; L’tur; Laewetz Stiftung; Lindschulte; Maas&Peither; Maersk Linie; Mediq; Microsoft; NovoNordisk; Orthomol; Otto; Pangora; Peek & Cloppenburg; Planworx; Regionalwerke Bodensee; RPC; Safran Helicopter Engines; Sara Lee; Schülke&Mayr; Schwarzkopf-Henkel; Semigator; smith&nephew; Sonnen; Sparkassen Versicherung; StadtwerkeAkademie; Stadtwerke Bad Säckingen; Stadtwerke Bietigheim- Bissingen; Stadtwerke Consulting; Stadtwerke Emmendingen; Stadtwerke Lindau; Stadtwerke Ludwigsburg; Stadtwerke Pforzheim; Stadtwerke Rosenheim; Stadtwerke Schweinfurt; Stadtwerke Tübingen; Stadtwerke Tuttlingen; Stadtwerke Schweinfurt; Stadtwerke Schwäbisch Hall; Stadtwerke Waiblingen; Stadtwerke Wesel; Swisspower; Tchibo; TietoEnator; Triple a; T-Systems; Venice Fashion; V.I.E.L Coaching + Training; von Rundstedt&Partner u.v.m.
Further services for coach pools of various groups, banks, companies, academies and associations available on request.
Volunter since 2003 – today
Head of Purchase on an international 14-days Course for a humanitarian organisation
Pro bono work with responsibility for the total purchase of the canteen kitchen (daily Ø 12,000 meals), as well as for the organisation and coordination of 15 individual teams and daily Ø 250 unskilled volunteers.
Development Support in times of crisis and personal challenges
Pro bono work for students, young people, mothers and women who are about to return to work and are in a situation where they cannot afford paid support or do not want to accept support from the usual aid organisations and classic health insurance-funded helpers.
(This support can be provided in individual cases if the conditions have been agreed in a preliminary discussion and the time capacities are available).
Other volunteer activities are available on request
Independend Entrepreneur since 2003 – today
My references in Event Management, Catering Service, Organiser, Services Development
Adidas; Ace of Base; Aigner Fashion; Apple; Anne Clark; AOL; ARD; Art Directors Club; Arte; Artur Andersen; A&Z; Avantgarde München; Audi; Baader&Baader; Bacardi; Bang&Olufson; Barclay Bank; Bearing Point; Beiersdorf; Berenberg Bank; Berlikomm; Berlin Tattoo; Bertelsmann; Bijou Brigitte; BMG Ariola; BMW; Boss Hoss; Bremen Tattoo; Bremshey&Doming; Brigitte Trend Tour; Bruce Hornsby; Bruce Springsteen; Calvin Klein; Cartier; Cavalluna; CBS; CDU; Chanel; Cinemaxx; City Comp; Club Meridien; Colleen; Colleen B. Rosenblatt; Claude van Damme; Conoco Philips; Conrad, Gley&Thieme; Daimler Chrysler; Das Unterhaltungsbüro; Das Werk; David Thomas; Depeche Mode; Der Spiegel; Der Stern; Detlev Louis; Deuteron; Die Ärzte; Die Grünen; Dieter Bohlen; Die Welt; Die Zwei; DPA; D+S Online; DTB; Echo Verleihung; Economia; Edelcomp; EMI Electrola; Elephant Seven; Engel&Völkers; e-plus; Eurythmics; FC St. Pauli; FDP; Ferragamo; FIFA-WM 2006; Finn Air; Fischer Reisen; Fleetwood Mac; Flughafen Hamburg; Frank Otto Medien; GAL; GEO; Georges Michael; Georges Rech; Gerkan, Mark&Partner; Greenpeace; Glaxo-Wellcome; Goldener Hirsch; Grey Hamburg; Gruner&Jahr; Gunter Lambert; Hamburg 1; Hamburg-Mannheimer; Hamburg Messe; Hamburger Abendblatt; Hamburger Kammerspiele; Hamburger Morgenpost; Hamburger SV; Hamburgische Landesbank; Hamburg Tattoo; Hälsen&Lyon; Happag Lloyd; Harry Belafonte; HBO; Hi Life; Hypo Vereinsbank; James Brown Band; JET; Johnson&Johnson; Jones, Long&Wootton; Jung von Matt; Kabel 1; Kelian; Kinderschutzbund; Knopf, Nägli&Schnackenburg; KNSK/BBDO; Kodak; Konstantin Wecker; KPMG; Langnese Iglo; Lenny Kravitz; Linette; Louis Vuitton; Lufthansa; Magic Video; Manfred Man; Mannesmann Mobilfunk; Marc Cain; Marius Müller Westernhagen; Marktex; MAT; Marlboro BBQ Städtetour; Marlboro Diner Städtetour; Marlboro Full House Club Städtetour; Medac; Media Markt; Michael Häkkinen; Microsoft; Mike Singer; Mobil Oil; Model Management; MTV; Musikparade; National Geographics; NDR; Neue Leben; Nexus Events; No Angels; Nordcapital; Objektiv Film; Öger Tours; OK Radio; Orbit Records; Otto Kern; Otto Versand; Panasonic; Parmigiani; Peter Gabriel; Phillips Consulting; Phönix TV; Phoenix Werke; Playboy; Polydor; Polygram; Premiere TV; Prinz Stadtmagazin; Prisma Computer; PRO 7; PWC; Radio 107; RCA Records; Red Hot Chilli Peppers; Reemtsma; Rene Lezard; Rick Astley; Riekmers Linie; RMS Städtetour; Robbie Williams Tour; Rodrigo y Gabriela; Roland Berger&Partner; RTL; SAT 1; Saturn; Schöner Wohnen; Scholz & Friends; Schwarzkopf International; Schwartzkopff TV; Sega Videos; Senator Film; Sony Electrics; Sony Music; Sotheby ́s; SPD; Spex; Springer & Jacoby; Stars for free; Stilwerk Berlin; Stilwerk Hamburg; Studio Hamburg; Suzanne Vega; TECIS; Tempo; The Proclaimers; The World of Hans Zimmer Tour; Titu and Tarantula; Tobis Film; TODs; Tom Cruise; Tom Reimer; Tribute to Bambi; TUI; UFA; Unilever Bestfoods; Vanessa von Bismarck; Versace Berlin; VH 1; Virgin Records; Viva TV; Volvo Catena; VOX; Warner Brothers Vision; WDR; WEA Music; White Christmas Tour; Wolford; Wolfgang Joop; WWF; 24-Stunden Rennen Le Mans; Thai Cong Quach; Tchibo; ZDF; ZZ Top; u.v.m.
Further services for Schöne Aussichten GmbH, Boa Vista Partyservice GmbH and KPC are available on request.
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Sheridan I Basel I Málaga I Hamburg
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